2:11 PM
9th April 2012
I guess nobody ever drops by anymore, but guess what? I still do! Decided to drop a post in case anyone decides to pay this blog a visit! :)
How is everyone doing? Waiting for uni? Or last year in poly? ^^
Time sure flies fast! It's my last year in Poly already, and I went to the three universities Open House last month too! Saw some familiar faces!!!
Missing the times in secondary school though ;(
Ok i got nothing to blog already hehe!
Mei Zhen
5:55 PM
I dont think there will be anyone reading this. but
lets just say we will remain as friends forever okay?
once a friend, always a friend.
* I dont remember being in this class, LOL *
Now like almost everyone change already, dont recognize =.=
I change my blog link too!
http://the-13th.blogspot.comP.S. I go update the links lol!
Cya people! :D
4:01 PM
Ok, since nobody post for like, centuries, I shall do a good deed and post now :)
How's everybody these few years? Time really flies right, this blog has been around for 3 years. We are in Sec 4 now. And we are graduating in around 8-9 months time. Wish everybody all the best in whatever they do and especially for the upcoming major Olevel exams! :D
Let's all strive together! & also visit my blog :D hehehe.
http://memoirs-x.blogspot.comSigning off,
1:04 PM
yo people!
how are you guys?
enjoying your holidays? (:
i'm slacking at home almost everyday lah.
anybody wanna catch enchanted with me? (:
by the way, i've changed my link (again!)
miss ya guys!
signing off,
5:38 PM
LOL. nobody posts in our class blog nowadays.
lesser & lesser people are tagging now! SADDED ~
anyway, i look forward to being in the same class as some people from 1i'06 next year! :D
TATA for now ~ will blog soon, when i have the time.
oh yes, i've changed my blog link.
http://thegirl-meizhen.blogspot.com :]
7:32 PM
but no projects means alot of mugging and test and exams. HAIS.
11:38 AM
I'm so looking forward to the K.L. trip!
Yeah, there's lots of projects thats making me BIG-BRAINED.
But its good lah, as my brain is very small. (=
Anyway, just enjoy this last year of having projects.
Miss Bernice Tey said Secondary 3 and 4 doesn't have any projects as they want to focus on O-levels.
There'll be 2 more years when we'll be taking that EXAMS.
Alright, enough crapping. Cya guys, in K.L.! (=
11:04 AM
i shall be honoured to revive this blog
after 2 months and 1 day.
we will be going to kl
soon bah; countdown of.
wednesday (:
yay. LOL.
can finally create havoc le. LOL.
how are you all coping with the ic projects?
GOD DAMN ic projects.
it just sarks lah;
maybe to me niah lah. haha.
- i left my
HANDPRINT here on 030307 1108AM.

10:20 PM
in less than 24 hours
we will be back in the
same old dreaful place.
but in different classes.
it's as good as starting
from sec 1 bonding camp.
all over again.
next year;
it's going to be a boring
afterall no jokers :(
will hear laughters
coming from 2e.
almost everything
everyone will be new.
it's the worst shuffle
in history ever.
shall end here.
- siliang